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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Brie: 9 years, 10 months

3 April 2021No Comment

The littlest is turning 10 in 2 months!

Too fast.

I better write down some updates now before I forget all these details.

She’s into baking and making her own videos.

She reads stories from books, records her baking process, then edits the clips herself using apps that I myself have never/hardly ever used.

(She knows about those apps from either her teachers or school friends, thanks to today’s online school.)

She does almost all her school homework by herself, and manages her school schedules well.

(I mean, she handles her school stuff on her own for the past 6 months or more. I know. I’m blessed.)

She talks a lot.

(Like me when I was her age, I guess, haha.)

She’s been having Mandarin lessons, over Zoom, with her cousin, Vincent, for about 5 months now.

*Grateful for that ‘Mandarin language exposure”, twice a week!*

She practices tennis with Daddy, regularly twice a week.

*Grateful for Daddy’s commitment and dedication!*

She often prepares food for the whole family.

Because she has skills and knowledge in quite a bit of areas, she can be rather bossy and sharp in her words.

(On this, I often remind her, “At your age, you can talk, but you must learn how to talk properly, otherwise, your words bring people down, instead of building them up.)

She doesn’t like to be rebuked.

If she’s done something, and told (however nicely!) that it’s not right and that she shouldn’t do it, she would potentially frown, grumble, or get defensive with her attitudes and words.

(This sinful attitude of the heart that sees self as “always right” is something which I have repeatedly shared with her. She needs to be able to detect her own “heart inclination”, realise how it is sinful, and ask God to help her change. I can only “show her” what she should do. The ultimate “transformation” of her heart is in God’s hands, and by His grace alone.)

Without a doubt, she is loved very much.

And I surrender this young girl into God’s hands, for Him to shape and transform.

With the gifts that God has blessed her with, I ask for God’s mercy and blessing for her, so that she truly has faith in Christ, and brings glory to God’s name as she grows up.


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