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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Vai and his Chipped Tooth Story

30 October 20098 Comments


THIS is one not-so-good example of what could happen when a 3yo boy :

… refused to listen
… insisted on brushing his own teeth but ended up playing with the water tap and licking his toothpaste off the brush
… screamed, cried and wriggled with all his might when finally told to stand on the bathroom stool while Daddy went to brush his teeth instead

Yep, our little Vai in the end slipped and knocked his tooth on the basin.

As I watched in horror.

We quickly checked, and *sigh* I was SO thankful that he DID NOT knocked ALL his front teeth or something. There’s no blood. Just very minor grazes on his upper lip.

He continued to scream and cry, but we noticed it’s not because he’s in pain. BUT BECAUSE he did NOT get to continue on with what he was doing!

*roll eyes*

Gee, I felt so mad at the time.

So. Frustrated.

It was like, ‘If only you had LISTENED, it wouldn’t have happened!’

I broke down when the kids were in bed.

I felt drained.

I felt like putting the blame on someone, but I knew I couldn’t because it totally was an accident. It’s just a phase.


Just one of the many ‘adventures’ we moms go through every day.

[Btw, Vai was all smiles and cuddly towards us again within 10 minutes after the incident! I think WE were more affected by what’s happened than the kid himself.]

You know, that night when I was feeling tired, drained and frustrated, I remembered about other families who have gone through ‘tougher experiences’ with their kids.

And I thought, ‘Well, at least Vai only chipped ONE of his ‘milk’ teeth’.

I felt much better and encouraged too when I remembered the message left by Andrea Stunz, in my post on Vai’s terrible three phase:

My now 18 year old daughter told me when she was about 3, “you’re not the boss of me!”. She has developed incredibly strong leadership skills but we had to help guide her away from being bossy to being a leader as she grew up. Your Vai may be the same way. Perhaps he is on his way to being a great leader. Being assertive is not bad. They are trying to find out who they are and what works and doesn’t work. Now it’s your job to guide them in that.

Put in the hard work and I promise you will look back with fond memories when you sit in your quiet house, typing a blog comment wishing they were little again.

And so told myself, oh well … my case is not THAT bad actually.

Let’s move on.

Now, if you’ve heard from other families, or gone through ‘unxpected incidents’ with your kids yourselves, I hope you can share the stories here too.

I’d love to hear about them!


  • Leonny says:


    Now THAT was a traumatic experience! Blood and stitches … urgh … Hope she’s totally alright now…

    And the part where you say … ‘shaping her will without crushing her spirit’ … ahh I’m TOTALLY WITH you!

    How oh how do I do that … am still learning every step of the way !

    Thanks heaps for sharing!


    izzat aziz :

    you did too ? haha ….

    I can’t remember if that ever happened to me .. but I remember getting ‘accidentally’ punched on the eye when two boys had a fight and I happened to walk by too near … I was about 6 or 7 then, I think … Gee!


    Justina :

    Totally agree with you … gotta trust in God’s providence in keeping our kids alright .. because there’s only so much that we can do … and the rest, .. well who knows … since we also can’t ‘control’ everything or be with the kids 24/7 …

  • Leonny says:


    Wah dua2nya gigi depan Zion patah juga ? Karena udah ngalamin yg lebih ‘berat’, jadi liat kejadian si Vai ini jadi ga berasa apa2 yah … 🙂 mmg itu sih yg gua belajarin juga … ie. there are SO many other people yg ngalamin lebih berat, my situation is not that bad … 🙂

    Thanks ya for sharing …



    You know, somehow I think every parent has probably experienced that ‘locked my kid in the room’ incident 🙂

    We ever experienced that too I think … with Anya, but it was totally an accident and I was freaking out at the time coz she wasn’t even 2yo I think, and she was crying like mad …



    Si Vai jg ngalamin tuh yg namanya kejepit pintu, kakinya kejepit pintu … kemarin ini dia tempelin lengannya di kaca escalator while we’re going up a really long escalator … and by the time we got up there, his arm got ‘burned’ … oh well …

    Tp seperti yg di share di FB sih … mmg kdg kita perlu allow kids to try things out themselves, explore and learn … But it’s not easy for me too … kdg perlu di ingetin sama Wilson jg utk lebih nyantai …

    Yg gua ga mau sampe terjadi adl:
    my kids pada saat lebih gedean ‘diem-diem’ do something yg mmg ga boleh krn dia merasa kita pasti akan marahin anyway dan ga akan ‘ngertiin’ mereka … I want them to open up but how can they open up and tell me / talk to me about things if I’m always uptight/judgemental about what they do … susah juga ya … mmm … gotta learn a lottt still!

  • Justina says:

    OH dear! At least it was only a milk tooth… I guess we all have to keep trusting in God to keep our kids safe, apart from the little falls they’re bound to have!

  • izzat aziz says:

    when i was kid i once felt down and make teeth just like that.. my mom just say serve you right.. i think i know why.. 😀

  • Siska says:

    kesabaran gw ga sepanjang punya elu, Le. gw jg byk ‘if only you would’ve listened to me’ incident, tp ga smp separah vai gitu seh. paling kepleset jatoh, ato jari kejepit pintu krn mainin pintu. emang nyebelin bgt, pas misalnya gw bilangin, “jgn lari, JL. lantai baru dipel, licin. ntar kepleset jatoh.” dia jawabnya, “tuh, ga jatoh tuh.” yah, pas lg ga jatoh yah kaga jatoh lah. ntar klu jatoh aja baru deh nangis. gw skg akhirnya bilang sekali doang. trus gw blg, terserah lu, JL. klu lu ga mo denger, ntar klu sampe jatoh, jgn nangis. dia sih klu sampe jatoh beneran, dia kaga berani nangis. engga di dpn gw at least… begitu gw udah ga liat, baru dia nangis. skg dia lbh mo denger lah klu gw bilangin, walaupun kdg2 ada jg moment2 bandel dan cuekin apa yg gw bilang.

  • Priscilla says:

    Yesh! Your Vai and my Chloe sound very similar in nature! Both 3yo, going through this “I want to do it myself” phase. Not so long ago my 3yo told me “Mummy, I could do this easily, I don’t need your help anymore!’ Gulp! But it was also not so long ago she jumped on the sofa while I was nursing my baby…then bang, she landed her forehead on the coffee table, put a deep cut on her forehead, with lots of blood flowing which required a few stitches at the doctor’s room. And yes she screamed and kicked while they tried very hard to stitch while we have 2 other adults trying to pin her down. It was a full on experience! I came out of the doctor’s room more traumatised and tired! Only if she would listen to me about not jumping on the sofa earlier on. And it was also just last week I broke down thinking how I am going to bring up my 3yo by shaping her will without crushing her spirit.

  • Sally says:

    When my daughter was 2.5 yo, she was playing with kitchen sliding door, told her not to do it. didn’t listen then suddenly she slammed the door till the door lock got jammed and could not be open, I was shocked coz she is locked inside the kitchen, get the screw driver to force it open, didn’t work, by this time she was crying histerically coz she was stuck alone in the kitchen and couldn’t see me, I was panicked and tried to calm a crying child at the same time. I tried to calm myself down get down the bottom of the door and tried to force it open and it worked!! I was sooo relieved…

  • cika says:

    gpp kok le…gigi depan zion 2 2 nya patah setengah gitu dalam 2 kali kejadian.

    ya jatohnya gag sengaja sih, jadi bukan karena dia refuse to listen or whatsoever… n gue juga cuma bisa ucap syukur aja, kerusakannya cuma di penampilan doang 😀

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