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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Jakarta’s First Big Flood in 2014

17 January 20144 Comments


The weather here in Jakarta has been weird these past two weeks.

Cool breeze. Drizzles. Heavy rain.

Situations got worse today at some areas in Jakarta.

Heavy rain, on and off.

And, the kids couldn’t get to school this morning because of the floods.

(My part time helper’s home is badly flooded, and she hasn’t been coming to help us with the house. So it’s total housework for us since Monday too)


[Photos above: The water in the canal is full and overflows to the streets. Water level is about 50cm around my area. If you’re driving a sedan, strongly not recommended to go out to the streets]


They said there’ll be more ‘floods’ coming from Bogor to Jakarta by midnight.

I guess we can only wait and see.


We went out to get some lunch across the street (MAD, I know!)

Because basically I was simply reluctant to get my feet into the brown water.



Obviously, the kids happily walked across the floods.

Wilson carried Brie along.

And me?

I wrapped my feet in plastic bags.




A truck zoomed by, and this wave of water went towards me.

Before I knew it, all the brown water went inside my plastic bags!


Oh well.

So, in the name of being ‘a supportive Mom’, I took the plastic bags off my feet, and joined my family! =D

And this is a picture of me, … smiling and cringing =)

Ah. The kinds of adventure one gets from living in Jakarta.



How’s the weather like at YOUR place?

Hoping and praying that everything gets back to normal soon.

Note: All photos were taken today – 17 January 2014 (Friday)


  • yuliana says:

    Hi Leony, thanks for the post, you made it sound interesting and fun, I think that’s the + things when you see from the bright side.
    my relative living at jakarta barat also kanah flood, and black out. as long as, you stock the food/ mie instant and drinking water, should be ok. hopefully things get better soon ya. you take care

    • Leonny says:

      Hi Yuliana,

      Thanks for dropping me a note too! =)

      Blackout is terrible … because it really cripples activities at home =( And yes, must always stock some food and make sure you have enough drinks for the family.

      It is predicted that it’ll get worse this week (and worse again at the end of the month). Not sure how things will go, but we’ll just take things as they happen.

  • Belinda says:

    For the last 4 days, Melbourne had consecutive heat waves, max of 44-46 degrees celcius. Even when we put a chocolate bar under the sun, it will melt in 3 minutes. But thank God today the weather is cooling down so much and everybody has a relief. Hope Jakarta’s situation will get better soon, too.

    • Leonny says:

      Hi Belinda,

      Ya I read about the heat in Melbourne! It’s mad …
      Yes, I hope things get better over at your area too.

      Things haven’t gotten better here … Am posting latest photos of our situation here soon

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