leonny's everyday things
.weekly photos.
The labour day - VAI

And this is how it all happened... the second time round ...


Sunday, 20 August 2006


I quickly woke up when I felt like I've just 'uncontrollably' wet my pants!

Honestly, for the next half an hour, I was in a state of 'denial' ('Naaa... it's just a false alarm, I think'). After all, I was only 37.5-weeks pregnant, AND I'm not really THAT ready yet.

We haven't even collected the baby cot from our friend's house at the time.

Now, our main concern was Anya. Who's going to look after her when we're at the hospital? It all happened much earlier than expected that our maid hasn't even arrived from Jakarta.

In the end, we found that our friend (and neighbour) Juita can help! Phew! Thanks heaps!

Called my doctor too who then asked me to go the hospital as soon as possible.

And so I quickly had my shower, prepared Anya's stuff (since she's going to be at Juita's place for at least half a day), got some breakfast ready and went to Juita's place ... (only 3 minutes away from our home).

So glad that Anya's really understanding and was completely okay when we both left her there.

Reached Thomson Medical Centre. Went to the Observation ward and the nurse strapped two belts around my tummy (CTG: Cardiotocography) to check on the baby's heartbeat and my contractions.

The doctor came, checked and said that I was 4-5 cm dilated. I felt NO painful contractions so far though.

By this time I was already in the the labour room, in my blue hospital gown and sending text messages to families and friends.

My doctor came to check again and I was 8cm dilated! In a way I was happy that I didn't really feel any 'unbearable' painful contractions up to that point. This 2nd delivery would be a much easier one, I thought ...

He then burst my waterbag and got the 'rest of the water' out.

AND ah hah! This was when the contractions suddenly got MUCH stronger.

The nurse gave me the mask (Entonox, laughing gas). She said that to really feel the effect I must start breathing in the gas at the beginning of the contraction until the very end of it.

(fyi, the gas didn't 'work' the last time I was in labour. But it sure worked this time round! I felt high and it was GOOD. It sure helped reduce the pain).

Still managed to smile in between my contractions. Hehe.

Contractions started to come every 3 minutes or so. And when they came, they came very STRONG. And honestly, though I still used the gas, it didn't really help much...

Oh, btw ... this time round, I didn't have any pethidine injection as I was already 8cm dilated at the time (we're not to have it too close to delivering the baby as it could make mommy and baby too drowsy

The contractions were VERY VERY strong and so close together too. The nurse frequently went to check on my dilation, but somehow it's stuck at 9cm (could only start pushing the baby out if I was already 10cm).

When it was finally time to push, I didn't think I had much energy left. Lots of my energy were used up trying to bear the earlier contractions and pain. And so I pushed and pushed and used all my might and energy, but it was just NOT enough to get the baby out. *Help!*

The doctor told me that if I still couldn't push the baby out in a few minutes, he would have to use a vacuum and put me on a drip to make the contractions even stronger. And I sure didn't want THAT.

And so within minutes after that, I pushed, gave my all and ... the baby's OUT! FINALLY!

What a relief!

Till now I still can't really describe how it all went for me in that labour room. The near-frustration. The pain. The fact that I really DID manage to go through it all in the end. I feel it's beyond what I think I'm capable of doing, really...

Ah. I'm glad that the baby's in good health, that I delivered without any vacuum, drip, injections or epidural. That I'm healthy and am doing well too afterwards.

I thank God for the strength HE sure had given to me. And I thank my friends and families who prayed and encouraged me too.

Thanks Dr Wong Mun Tat (pictured below with us, soon after Vai's birth) and TMC nurses too for their care and wonderful job well done.

We sure have been really blessed with another precious little gift from above today.


  Levi Hidajat was born!

Born: Sunday, 20 August 2006
Time: 1.19pm
Place: Thomson Medical Centre, Singapore

Weight: 3.420g
Height: 50cm

We call him by the name of VAI

His name and its meanings:

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: United

Levi is also the english word for 'LEWI' (Indonesian). And if you notice, it's short for LEonny and WIlson, too!!

In the Bible, the tribe of Levi is also appointed by God for many of His works. And it sure is our hope and prayer that this child can be a blessing to many people and is used by God for many of His works.

And just in case, you're not too sure ... it's pronouced as 'Lee-Vai' ... and the name 'Vai' rhymes with 'bye'
