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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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From the ups and downs of parenthood, to practical tips on enjoying and managing life with children.


Where inspiring thoughts and treasured life lessons are learned and shared.

Places to Visit

From Hong Kong to Bali, from Universal Studios Singapore to farmstays and beaches in Perth, we share photos, info and tips with you!

Crafts & Activity Ideas for Kids

How many different things can we do with our little ones at home and outside? Too many.


Where precious daily moments are captured and seen through the lens. Sharing with you tips, iphone apps, and ideas too.

Off the ground

25 January 2008 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | No Comment

Those four legs will not dangle off those bus stop seats forever.

And so while they still do … here’s a shot of it for Mommy to get all sentimental later.

Interviewed : Lady Nic’s

24 January 2008 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

I don’t normally write about jewellery. And I guess it’s because I don’t wear much fancy accessories myself these days.

It doesn’t mean I don’t like cute and pretty stuff though. It’s just that I now wear practical ones that don’t require much ‘changing’ (getting my two small kids ready to go out in time generally means minimal time is left for me to get ready. Hmm. A rather lame excuse, you think?).

Anyway. Today I want to introduce you to Lady Nic’s.

It’s an online store selling hand-made jewellery. Necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Pretty stuff!

What I find motivating is how the owner, the jewellery maker, my good old friend Nichol, is driven to pursue her love for crafting though she herself is busy being a mom to her 17-month-old son, Will.

I asked her a few questions to find out more about her crafts and how she struggles to juggle everything.

And here they are.

Leonny: When and why did you start making hand-made jewellery?

Nic: Started making about 6 years ago. Couldn’t find what I like and when I did find, they’re too expensive to buy. So…

Leonny: Now that you’re a busy Mom of one with no helper at home, why do you want to start the business again?

Nic: After 17 months of focusing on how to be a mother and a housewife, I feel it’s time that I can afford to shift a little attention back to ME – to do what I enjoy and to earn my keeps!

Leonny: How do you juggle the time between creating your masterpieces, caring for your son, spending time with hubby, housework and everything else?

Nic: Frankly, my hands are really full juggling so many things! I spend my days with son, playing and doing activities with him. In between his TV and short nap time, I’ll do little chores here and there (they are never-ending anyway!). Near dinner time is my busiest – cooking for the family, feeding and bathing son etc.

Hubby and I will sometimes put son at my mother’s house so that we can catch a movie or just go chill out. On most nights, we’ll have a quick chat to update our days.

When I breastfeed my son, I will think of designs and transform them into creations at night when everybody is asleep. At times I need a few nights to complete a piece as my son may disrupt my work by waking up a few times!

Leonny: Any ‘sacrifices’ you can tell and share?

Nic: Sacrifices? SLEEP, of course! Have been clocking in like 4-5 hours of shut-eye per night…and it’s a cumulative number, for goodness sake!

Leonny: Last one, what makes your jewellery ‘unique’?

Nic: As long as the creator does not copy, her creations are ‘unique’!

My jewellery are essentially inspired by imagination, music, scenery, a novel I had read, my own life experiences…and anything that tugs at my heartstring. Every piece has a theme/tale. And I make them with lots of sincerity!

PS: Nic adds to her collection periodically, so do check her e-store once in a while for great new stuff you may want to bring home and wear! Online payment and orders are available too!

Bedroom Window

23 January 2008 | Posted in: Daily, Photography | No Comment

Checking out the road traffic right after their afternoon nap

(just one of the ‘perks’ you get from living in a Singapore flat)

Vai: 17 months

22 January 2008 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Our little one is now just one month short of being a 1,5 year old kid!

How time flies!

Anyway, here’re a few updates:

Physical activities
When we’re in the playground, he’s one who’ll happily explore the equipments all by himself (read: doesn’t ask for ‘help’ when getting down the slides, etc).

Thus, coupled with his naturally-into-physical-activities character, he now climbs up vertical steps and goes down the slide all by himself. When he reaches the top of the slide, I’d often stand nearby though, to remind him to ‘sit down’ before sliding down, as he always looks as if he’s going to ‘walk down’ the slide instead!

He’s starting to master the art of going up those not-too-steep stairs without holding onto anything.

After each shower, he’d ‘insist’ that he goes over to basin and stands on the plastic stool to brush his teeth. Despite his ‘eagerness’ to self-brush, he doesn’t really welcome the idea of me brushing his teeth though (ie. looking away after three seconds or so).

And so while I let him hold a little toothbrush, I use a finger toothbrush to clean his gum, teeth and his tongue (where possible).

Whenever we’re outside, he’d enthusiastically point and call out the objects he recognises.

He understands when we ask him to do stuff (but of course understanding the instructions doesn’t necessarily mean obeying them. Hmm.)

When it comes to talking, he mostly says one-syllable words, eg. ‘dog’, ‘ish’ (fish) ‘duck’, ‘ca’ (car), ‘Tak’ (truck), ‘fy’ (butterfly), ‘get’ (for ‘kaget’, indo for ‘shocked’), ‘dong’ (for ‘gendong’, indo for ‘carry’), ‘da’ (for ‘sepeda’, indo for ‘bike’).

Some of the two-syllable words he can say: mama, mommy, daddy, mum-mum (eat), doggy, ini (indo for ‘this’) or ek-ek (indo for ‘poop’, hehe)

He’s now 13,2 kg.

Photos on this blog : what are my cameras?

21 January 2008 | Posted in: Daily | 8 Comments

I get people asking me about the cameras I use when taking photos of the kids. And so I thought I’ll share a little bit about it today.

>> I (almost always) have my Canon IXUS 850 IS in my bag. And I take most of my photos with this.

And so far I’m very happy with it.

It’s compact enough for me and reasonably light-weight. It comes with wide-angle lens too (which is ‘necessary’ for my case since I take lots of self-portrait of me and the kids, hehe)

Other than its many functions, I’m pretty happy with its video function too!

Really. It lets me keep memorable actions and sounds of the kids that photos alone can never ‘show’.

[This is me in December 2006, holding my one-day old IXUS]

>> When we’re at home, I sometimes use my hubby’s Nikon D200.

Fortunately, since he’s a photographer, I get to enjoy his camera lenses too, hehe.

Shots taken with his camera – like those of the kids above – naturally turn out ‘nicer’, hehe.

[oh btw, that’s still-pregnant-with-Vai me taking a self-portrait in front of a mirror in May 2006]

>> I usually switch off the camera’s built-in flash and take advantage of ‘natural light’.

Colours turn out much more natural this way (when we use built-in flash, generally we get ‘brightly-lit’ objects with dark background).

>> I have certain preferences as to how I’d like my blog photos to look, and so all photos here in my site go through some colour enhancements process in photoshop.

Well, after sharing all that, I think I need to let you know too that I’m not a photoshop expert nor a photo expert. Actually, I’m VERY far from it! Most of the time I use the camera’s ‘auto’ settings! And so yes, I’m still learning, testing and fiddling as I go along.

One thing is for sure though, I’m passionate about capturing moments, especially those of the kids, because I feel time flies real fast, moments go unrepeated and kids grow in the blink of an eye.

And with my rusty memory, I would love to look back one day, browse through our photo and video collection (however huge they’ll be), and be reminded again of those moments our loving God has blessed us with through the years.

Sunday’s Food for Thought – Our response after making a mistake

20 January 2008 | Posted in: Inspirational | No Comment

Everyone has weaknesses and we all make mistakes. But what’s more important is our response afterwards. Whether we move forward and be a better person or dwell in our mistakes.

It’s important that we remember how we should be willing to:

– acknowledge our mistakes and weaknesses
– sincerely ask for God’s forgiveness
– apologise to those we’ve made our wrongs to
– make amends
– constantly learn to do and be better AND leave our sins behind.

Tumble fun

18 January 2008 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Just one of the ‘more physical’ kinds of play this little boy enjoys.

When my 3.10-year-old girl tried to read

17 January 2008 | Posted in: Daily | No Comment

Anya was in the toilet one day when she spotted the printed word on the toilet bowl. She then excitedly spelled out the alphabets really loudly for me:

S … A … N … I … T … O … N! Wow! Look Mommy, it says TOILET!

Children: Feel and Know How Much They Are Loved

10 August 2019 | Posted in: Parenting | No Comment

One of the things we hope our children can confidently say, feel and know is, how their parents love them very much.
And for them to feel THAT assured, … we humbly realise how it will …

Racial Harmony Day

20 July 2009 | Posted in: Parenting | 7 Comments

Here in Singapore, schools celebrate ‘Racial Harmony Day’ every July 21st (tomorrow!), to remember the day (in 1964) when Singapore saw terrible racial riots.
It’s ‘a day for schools to reflect on, and celebrate our success …

Sunday’s Food for Thought : What Are We Investing In Our Children Today?

30 October 2011 | Posted in: Inspirational, Parenting | No Comment
Sunday’s Food for Thought : What Are We Investing In Our Children Today?

Today I’d like to post a few questions that I have been thinking about too, lately.

How much time do we invest in our children going to school, different extra-curricular activities, enrichment lessons, sports practices, music …

PODCAST on Youtube: Keeping Our Communication with Our Spouse ALIVE!

11 July 2020 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships, XnZ Podcast | No Comment

The longer you are married, the worse the communication?
It should never be that way.
So, how should husbands and wives work on their communication?
Join Dr. Peter Lillback and I, as he shared his personal thoughts on …

Marriage: Tips and Thoughts on Avoiding Emotional Affairs

26 September 2016 | Posted in: Inspirational, Marriage & Relationships | No Comment
Marriage: Tips and Thoughts on Avoiding Emotional Affairs

Newly married couples don’t normally think about marital affairs. Unless they’re forced into marriage, newly married couples most likely are in love with each other.
The question is, why then do affairs happen?
(Regardless of whether you’ve …

Tips : Keeping a Happy Marriage

20 October 2015 | Posted in: Marriage & Relationships | 2 Comments

I don’t know how you feel about marriage.
Is it something worth sacrificing and fighting for?
Do both you and your spouse put in a lot of hard work to build the relationship?
Or, perhaps you feel it’s …

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