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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Checking Out : The Singapore Flyer

11 June 2009One Comment

The last time we wanted to check out the Singapore Flyer was when Singapore Tourism Board did a campaign earlier this year and allowed some 2009 people get on the capsules for free over some weekends.

[People queued up from ‘the night before’ to get their free tickets! And so we obviously didn’t get any freebies when we reached there at 12.30pm!]

But then again, what do you know.

On the day we went to the Family Day Out event last month where I was part of a discussion panel, we got four complimentary tickets from the Asia PR Werkz ladies! (Thanks Julie and Sabrina!)

And so we went to the Singapore Flyer straight after!

The kids loved the view from the top!

They were like, “Look! The cars look so little. Smaller than my toy cars! Look! Look! I can see a tiny little man!’

And err, … we did the extended arm self portrait too of course. Haha.

It was a nice and different kind of experience for us all, that’s for sure!

Especially since we were all so high up in the sky!


Here are some quick interesting facts about the Singapore Flyer that I’d like to share with you :

– The Singapore Flyer is 150m in diameter. And that’s approximately the length of some 87 Singaporean men lying down from head-to-toe.

– It is 165 metres in height, which roughly is about the height of a 42-storey building (or the height of some 31 male giraffes stacked on top of one another! Hehe)

– Each capsule is about the size of a city bus (4m x 7m). And there are a total of 28 capsules.

– If the Singapore Flyer is at its full capacity, there will about 784 passengers altogether (per revolution).

Click HERE to read its online Visitor Guide.

One Comment »

  • Sandra says:

    Hi Leonny, i’m catching up on blog-reading – we were on the Flyer the week it opened – happened to be there & we brought my grandmother with us – it was very nice – Tobias did not really like it very much – he’s not into heights & it was one of his cranky days. But he enjoyed all the excitment going there 😉

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