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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Remembering : Rev. Amin Tjung

24 July 2007No Comment

Someone said that it’s when we leave this world that the ‘real us’ comes to surface.

And I guess it’s because that’s when we stop talking. And other people start remembering.

Whether we’ve lived honourably. Whether we’ve touched other people’s lives in ways that have changed them positively. Whether we’ve put the well being of others ahead of ourselves, sacrificed and given our all for a greater purpose. For our Creator’s glory.

Or. Whether we’ve spent most (or all of) our lives, focusing on just … ourselves.

Ensuring that WE always live comfortably, WE are the centre of everything. Even the centre of other people’s lives. Ensuring that WE are important, even though it means that other people need to sacrifice themselves FOR us.

The passing of our Pastor two days ago left me with many thoughts. Too many. And I think I’d need to write a few posts on it. And even then, I don’t think I could possibly cover half the thoughts in my mind.

Rev. Amin Tjung is no longer with us. But the story of his life continues to change people’s minds and touch people’s lives.

An ordinary man, living his life with a firm understanding of who he is, his life’s purpose and what he’s going to do with his life.

He lived a simple life, putting others ahead of himself. Always helping, teaching, encouraging others and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, although he himself battled the pain of cancer and many side effects of his chemotherapy.

And when an old friend came a few weeks ago and asked, “How are you doing?’, he answered, “HIS grace is sufficient for me.”


He’s 41 years old and he’s no longer in this world. He’s now at home with GOD. A much better place.

And now that I’m still here, still receiving God’s grace and kindness every single day, I feel I’m continually asked, “So now, what are YOU doing with the rest of your life?”

A question we all need to answer.

For we will be held accountable for the kind of life we live during the lifetime given to us by GOD above.

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