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Exploring Our Children’s Potentials

14 July 2022 – 3:34 pm |

“Thanks” to today’s gadgets, more and more kids tend to say, “I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I like. I’m not interested in anything actually.” (But somehow they are interested …

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Home » Pregnancy & Babyhood

Pregnancy & Birth : Just some random things

23 August 2006No Comment

>> If you’re pregnant and you’re on your way to the hospital to deliver your baby, remember to eat something first. Depending on your doctor’s examination, it’s possible that you’re not allowed to eat anything until the baby’s out

AND the thing is, you DO need that energy to push the baby out later

>> Hospitals are somehow ‘cold’, and so bring along your thick socks and long pants

>> I personally am not into confinement food. Didn’t have any (before and after I delivered Anya) and haven’t had any this time round too. To me, as long as you eat nutriciously and drink lots of water (or milk / juice / soya milk, etc), you’ll be healthy and fine

>> I told the nurse and my doctor at Thomson Medical Centre that I’d like to go for total breastfeeding (just like when I had Anya). It means, the nurses will not give any formula milk to the baby at all. As and when the baby’s hungry, they’ll bring him to you.

And to be honest, I actually wondered if Vai is going to be really really hungry considering that the amount of colostrum I had was not that much at all. Plus, since I didn’t gain much weight during my pregnancy, I’m always under the impression that I must have then not have enough ‘body fat’ to produce the breastmilk Vai needs.

The thought of giving him some formula milk did cross my mind. But then again I told myself, I should still give total breastfeeding. The more frequent I breastfeed Vai, the milk ducts are better stimulated too.

AND AND, today baby Vai’s starting to get the breastmilk he needs.


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